Culture grants archive

Projects subsidised in 2010


AA++ Acompanyament Artístic

The proposal of AA ++ Acompanyament Artístic (Música Stream) was located in the field of contemporary music and was led by three associations: Avant-Mardi (MP), the leader, Cases de la Música (CAT) and La Méridionale (LR).  This initiative involved implementing an artistic mentorship of musicians in process of professionalization and helping to increase economic and artistic exchanges within the Euroregion. Also, this project could contribute to the emergence of art in networks of different operators in the music industry, as well as the democratisation of music (festivals, concerts…). The project lasted two years (2011-2012) and the Euroregion provided a maximum of €30,000.

More information here

Poesia sense Fronteres

The Poesia sense Fronteres poetry and music project included four partners: Barnasants (CAT), the leader, Sèm e serem (MP), COMDT (MP) and the CIMP (LR).
The purpose of this project was to publish a series of book-CD-DVDs entitled “Poètica occità-català: viatge musical a través de segles d’història de la poesia compartida”. This was a tool to raise awareness of the Occitan-Catalan literary tradition and create a sense of belonging to a cultural, social and linguistic context. Finally, it showed the usefulness of the Catalan and Occitan languages for comprehension
The Euroregion provided €11,900.

Pyrenees: Art and Ecology in the 21st Century

The project dealt wiht contemporary art and ecology. It involved three different organisations: Caza d’Oro (MP), the leader, Casa d’Art i Natura (CAT) and, finally, Les Isards (LR).
The aim was to disseminate scientific knowledge about the threats of global warming through artistic language. In addition, it allowed participants to discuss the meaning and function of art and its contribution to the knowledge of nature and society in the 21st century.
This initiative lasted from 2010 to 2012. The Euroregion provided support of €40,000 for this project.

More information here

Corpus Media # 4

The Corpus Media # 4 project was carried out by three associations and foundations: K Danse (MP), the leader, the company Yann Lheureux / Etre en scène (LR), the company Erre que Erre (CAT) and the museum Es Baluard (IB). Its field was contemporary dance and the digital arts.
The purpose was to create an artistic platform for the Euroregion and the mediation of public arts projects, providing multiple integrated choreographies, visual design and music, shows, performances and creative workshops.
The Euroregion provided €20,000 and it was established in 2010 and 2011.

More information here


Laboratori de Recerca

Laboratori de Recerca was a contemporary dance project. It was run by three associations: La Zampa (MP), the leader, N’Naranja (CAT) and Moebius (LR). The purpose of this project was to create a platform for the exchange of experiences in the Montpellier / Toulouse / Barcelona axis for artists who wished to participate in a process of exchange of knowledge between young and future artists.
The Euroregion provided €24,600. It was held in 2010 and 2011.

Video here

Lo Festenal

Lo Festenal project was a multidisciplinary cultural initiative. It was carried out by three associations: Le Chèvrefeuille (MP), the leader (Convivència), Fusic (CAT), the Conseil Général 66 (LR) and Tres Serveis Culturals (IB).
This project aimed to create the first Euroregional rotating performing arts market in the Pyrenees Mediterranean territory. It was organised as a fair bringing together institutions, professionals and artists in the four areas.
The project was created between 2010 and 2011. The Euroregion provided funding of €50,000.

More information here


The Mediterra project was a contemporary ceramics and performance project. The different organisations participating in this project were the Museu del Càntir (CAT), the leader, the oficina de turisme Martres-Tolosane (MP), the Oficina Cultural – Turisme Ceràmica Saint-Quentin (LR), the Departament de Cultura de l’Ajuntament de Marratxí (IB) and the  Serveis Culturals de l’Ajuntament de Muel (AR).
The aim of this project was to create a network of cultural development and development of contemporary ceramics in the cities of the Pyrenees Mediterranean Euroregion.
This project covered the years 2011 and 2012. The Euroregion provided funding for this project of €35,000.

Art Contemporani A l’Hospital

The Art Contemporani a l’Hospital project had three participating institutions: Es Baluard Museu d’Art Modern i Contemporani (IB), the leader, BBB Centre régional d’initiatives pour l’art contemporain (MP) and the Centre d’art la Panera (CAT).
The aim was to build a network of research and work between cultural centres and hospitals to improve access of hospitalised people to contemporary art.
The project took place between 2011 and 2012. The Euroregion provided funding of €16,000.

Journées de Rencontres Autour de la Mélodie française

The Journée de rencontres autour de la mélodie française was a music project that brought together six associations: Toulouse mélodie française (MP), the leader, the Conservatoire de rayonnement régional de Toulouse (MP), the festival Déodat de Séverac (PM), the Conservatori Municipal de Música de BCN (CAT), the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional Perpignan (LR) and Aspec la Grande Deltheillerie (LR).
The aim of this project was to produce a collection of compositions of four cycles of songs on texts in verse and prose by José Deleteil by four composers.
The project was created in 2010 and 2011. The Euroregion provided funding of €12,500.

Written by: admin

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