Culture grants archive

2019 Projects subsidised, global amount and rules


You can consult the videos and materials of the presentation made in Barcelona (3 May) on this link. Also on the YouTube channel of Europa Creativa Desk – MEDIA Catalonia

1) Transefímers. Project led by the Consorci Transversal-Xarxa d’Activitats Culturals (Catalonia). Partners: La Insòlita (Balearic Islands) and Association Champ Libre (Occitanie). Amount awarded: €24,000.

“Transefímers” proposes collaboration between festivals of ephemeral art (temporary artistic installations: architectonic, light, visual, urban art, etc.) held in the public space and that seek to promote the cultural heritage through contemporary creation.

2) Art i Territori. Project led by the Association IDENSITAT (Catalonia). Partners: Casa Planas (Balearic Islands), La Escocesa (Catalonia) and Le BBB Centre d’Art (Occitanie). Amount awarded: €24,000.

“Art i territory” is a network of residences for the promotion of research and artistic production in Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and Occitanie. A context of shared work was established based on a spatial and conceptual framework shared by the members of the network: the “periphery”.

3) Delta. Euroregional creation residences. Project led by the association Es Far Cultural (Balearic Islands). Partners: Jiser Reflexions Mediterrànies (Catalonia), Centre d’Art Le Lait (Occitanie). Amount awarded: €23,000.

This project involved the selection, through a public call, of six artists: two from Catalonia, two from the Balearic Islands, and two from Région Occitanie. They developed an artists’ residence in Montpalau, Minorca, and a residence of creation and exchanges, an exhibition in Barcelona and another in Albi.

4) Cinema Lliure a la Biblioteca. Project led by Mago Production. Partners: Godo Films (Occitanie) and APAIB (Balearic Islands). Amount awarded €21,000.

The project fosters consumption of local audiovisual creations and strengthens the use of libraries as a social space to encourage cooperation between different cultural sectors in the Euroregion.

5) Memòria i patrimoni de l’exili a l’Euroregió. Project led by the Fundació Pi i Sunyer. Partners: Universitat de les Balearic Islands (IB), Laboratoire FRAMESPAUniversity of Tolouse 1 Capitoli (Occitanie), Arxius Municipals d’Agde (Occitanie), Museu Memorial de l’Exili (Catalonia), Centre d’Estudis sobre Dictadures i Democràcies (Catalonia), Universitat de València. Amount awarded: €13,000.

“Memòria i patrimoni de l’exili a l’Euroregió” (Memory and heritage of exile in the Euroregion) will have two phases. In the first, a meeting will be held on the Retreat, exile and French camps with specialists from the three territories of the Euroregion and also from the whole of Spain and France. In a second phase, a repository of research on exile and the camps in the Euroregion will be created.

6) Realitat museística i diàleg euroregional. Project led by the Universitat de les Illes Balears (IB). Partners: Université de Perpignan Via Domitia (Occitanie), Ateneu Barcelonès (Catalonia), Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Catalonia). Amount awarded: €22,000

The objective of the project “Realitat museística i diàleg euroregional” (Museum reality and Euroregional dialogue) is to promote lines of work between museums in the Euroregion with common characteristics through technical tools or dissemination. The project also seeks to generate a document in which, based on academic knowledge and the managers themselves, proposals are issued to the public authorities to strengthen the relationship started.

7) LandLimo1. Project led by the Association Fotolimo (Occitanie). Partners: Casa Planas (Balearic Islands) and Ruido (Catalonia). Amount awarded €13,000.

LandLimo1 is a collaboration between three Euroregional organisations that come together to challenge the notion of border through the visual arts, workshop exhibitions and artistic research.

La convocatòria de subvencions a projectes culturals d’abast euroregional ha arribat a la desena edició. El 2019, la convocatòria ha estat premiada per l’Associació de Regions Frontereres Europees (ARFE) amb un guardó especial pel foment, a llarg termini, de la cooperació fronterera. Al llarg dels seus deu anys d’existència, la convocatòria ha permès finançar una cinquantena de projectes culturals.

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